Mama's Dramas

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dine coming

Julien has this odd thing that he has said for the last half year or more.  He says it at moments when he is afraid but honestly, sometimes it comes from nowhere and he is suddenly grabbing on to me shouting "Dine coming"!  The other day he woke up from a nap screaming and when I came in the room he said "Dine coming Mama! Dine here!"  I asked him "Where is Dine?"
"In mine room." He replied through tears and gulps.  "What does dine look like?"  He couldn't answer. "Is Dine a monster."  "No."  "Is Dine a dinasaour?"  "No." 
The other morning he came to my room and climbed on me and said "Dine not here."  He was smiling and happy.  "No, Dine isn't here Julien.  Who is Dine?"
"Dine out there though." He said as he pointed to the hallway.  It is very odd and sometimes if I am feeling imaginative and wound up I can get kind of freaked out by it.  Mostly I wonder what it is for it a feeling?  He doesn't know how to categorize people and animals and objects and feelings completley.  He mostly understands this concept but when he was first speaking of Dine, when Dine was first created for him he did not know how to seperate these things. 
It is strange.  When Lukas was his age he was such a big boy to me.  Julien seems so little to me.  His white tufts of hair and impish expressions.  The other day at the pool I asked a friend to hold him so I could go down the water slide with Lukas.  Julien did NOT like this.  He turned to my friend at one point and said "Me no like you!"  He likes to challenge me these days.  He shreaks whenever Lukas does the smallest thing to annoy him which is totally fun for Lukas and totally annoying for me.  But he is pooping on the potty more and if he doesn't have a diaper on he doesn't pee in the house anymore but goes on the potty instead.  He also has an interesting palate for food.  He ate an entire tomato, half a cucumber, a carrto, cheese and crackers and bites of my salad for dinner.
Jorg is going away Lukas in two week and it is just Julien and me......I am excited and nervous about this time.....hopefully, between the two of us we can have enough fun and stimulation....and keep that Dine away.


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