Mama's Dramas

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

noodle tricks

For quite some time we have been having dinner with Lukas in the dining room. We light a candle. We hold hands before we eat and say “Peep peep peep. Wir haben uns alle lieb. Guten Apetit. The basic translation is “Peep peep peep. We all have love. Let’s eat.” Lukas loves it now and he has added his own part where he claps his hands when we are done. He loves that part so much that often gets out one peep and then starts clapping. Yesterday he just clapped and clapped and then sat there beaming. He looked at me and said “Mama” and then at Jorg and said “Papa” and then he just smiled and said “Happy.” “Happy.” (He likes to say things twice. My friend Shana says that he is trying to keep the evil spirits away.) Somehow I know that he understood what he was saying because happiness just seemed to seep out of him in unexplainable ways.

It is so beautiful to communicate with him and to have him communicate with us. We are just starting to explain things to him. Often he really listens and I know that he is taking it in because two days later he will echo it back to me in a totally different situation. Like today when he saw a windmill off in the distance. Last week I pointed one out to him and explained how they go “round and round and round”.
When he saw one today he said “Emu” (which means windmill to him) “round and round and round” It took me several moments to locate the hidden windmill but he saw it and remembered.

Sometimes however he gets confused. Like today at dinner. We had pasta….really yummy spinach pasta in a garlic and butter sauce with parmesan cheese. Yum, I just have to brag. Anyway, Lukas had finished eating and I asked him if he was full. I asked him if his belly was full. He paused. His little garlic and buttery fingers pointed confusedly to his round ball of a tummy. Jorg stepped in to elaborate. (in German) “You eat food Lukas and it goes in your mouth and down your throat and lands in your belly.” Jorg pointed to the route that the food would travel. “All the noodles you ate went in your belly and now it’s full.” He continued. Lukas gave us a big smile of understanding. Then his hand disappeared down under the tray of his high chair. As if to protest his new knowledge he revealed a long buttery noodle and giggled. The affect was that of a magician pulling a hidden rabbit from a hat. And he continued to demonstrate how much of his dinner was hidden in the folds of his clothing as he continued to produce noodle upon noodle from the vortex beneath his tray. I guess his understanding of having a full belly may vary slightly from the explanation we were aiming to communicate. Ah, the subtleties of the English Language.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

ahhh haaa haaaa haaa! that's a ridiculously cute story! we miss you all. can't wait to see all lukas' new tricks.


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