times passage
I just dropped Lukas off at Kindergarden. It is only part time because we are homeschooling but it still is such a landmark in terms of his growing up....the passage of time. The teacher had us bring in a baby picture of them to hang on the wall. This felt mildly cruel to the parents as we are forced to look at a baby picture of our children on the morning that they push off into the big wide world. I was brought back to all those early days where it was just Lukas and me. Lukas and me at play groups and library times and playgrounds. Days where I passed the time simply following him around responding to him and his needs. He has been a bit unruley the past few days. He has been angry and whining and saying mean things to me. I think in some ways he is frustrated and a little bored with his routine. This morning he was SO excited to go up to school. He ran up the hill saying that he didn't want to be late. Part of me wonders if I am making the right choice homeschooling. If he shouldn't just be at school full time but I kind of feel like we have the best of all worlds. He can go to school a bit and be home a bit and go to private school for aftercare. Still, this is the marking of time passing.....he will be six this fall! O.k. Julien is climbing on me....time to follow and respond a bit....through the tears.